粘土 Clay

July 29, 2010


Raining today and it is a nice change from the heat and sun but it is a shame that body painting and pool time is cancelled. Instead we played with clay indoors. Using flour, water and a little bit of oil, the kids kneaded and made their own clay. The kids get to feel the different texture of the flour as it changed from flour to clay. As the clay is made of flour, it is safe even if the small kids put it in their mouth. After the clay is done, they made different shapes with the clay. Today we have 18 kids with us so it was lots of fun and the kids learned to share and take turns. The kids get to bring back the clay that they made but as there are no preservatives, it can only be played for 2 days before it gets moldy. To make it last longer, mix in some salt and it will last for maybe a week. As usual we have story telling in Japanese and English and dancing and singing in English. There is also a birthday celebration for kids whose birthday fall in July. Next week, we will be fishing for yo-yo so come and join us.


July 28, 2010

It has been extremely hot and humid in Japan this summer and you can suffer from hyperthermia and other heat-related illness.
The initial symptoms are dizziness or cramps, but it can cause death in severe cases.
In order to avoid hyperthermia, take following precautions.
1)Use hats and parasols to avoid the strong sunlight.
2)Drink water or tea as often and as much as possible.
3)Open the windows or use the air conditioning.
4)Avoid intense exercise during the day.
5)Try to rest in a cool and shady place immediately when you do not feel well.
6)See a doctor whenever you find any change in your physical condition.

In the case of emergency, call 119 for an ambulance.

AMDA International Medical Information Center offers consultation
services in English and 7 other languages.


July 25, 2010

INFO KANAGAWA メールによる情報配信サービス(無料)

(財)かながわ国際交流財団で行っている「 INFO KANAGAWA 」は、神奈川県内のお知らせやイベントを月2回程度日本語、英語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語でメール配信するサービスです。(携帯電話、パソコンどちらでも可能)。登録したい方は、希望の言語を書いて「 infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp 」にメールを送ってください。


財団法人 かながわ国際交流財団
住所 〒247-0007 横浜市栄区小菅ヶ谷1-2-1
電話 045-896-2964 ファクシミリ 045-896-2945

INFO KANAGAWA Providing you with news from Kanagawa(free of charge)

INFO KANAGAWA is a service which sends useful information in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese by e-mail to your cell phone or computer. Send a message to [ infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp ] to start receiving news from Kanagawa.
( Please specify a language in which you would like to receive messages. )

Information on housing, education, welfare, etc.
Disaster Prevention
Tips for what to do in cases of emergencies, etc.
For Your Health
News related to health, nutrition, food safety, etc.
Information on consultation, interpretation or guidebooks in English
Events, leisure activities or sightseeing spots in Kanagawa

Kanagawa International Foundation
Address 1-2-1 Kosugaya, Sakae-ku, Yokohama-shi 247-0007
TEL 045-896-2964 FAX 045-896-2945

INFO KANAGAWA Ofereciendo Noticias de Kanagawa(servicio gratis)

INFO KANAGAWA es un servicio que envia informaciones útiles para los residentes extranjeros en Kanagawa en español, portugués inglés y japonés via e-mail ( celular o PC ). Las personas que deseen registrarse, favor de mandar un mensaje al [ infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp ].
( Por favor especifique el idioma que desea. )

Noticias sobre educación, bien-estar, vivienda, etc.
Contra Desastre
Guía de informaciones en los casos de emergencia
Para Su Salud
Infromaciones sobre examen de salud, vacunacíon, nutrición, etc.
Guias y páginas de web utiles para extranjeros, servicios de interpretación, etc.
Informaciones sobre eventos, actividades y lugares turísticos, etc.
¡Y mucho más!

Fundación Internacional de Kanagawa
Dirección 1-2-1 Kosugaya, Sakae-ku, Yokohama-shi 247-0007
TEL 045-896-2964 FAX 045-896-2945

INFO KANAGAWA Oferecendo novidades de Kanagawa(serviço gr&aacutetis)

INFO KANAGAWA é um serviço que envia mensagens em português, Espanhol, Inglês e Japonês, para os estrangeiros residentes no Japão via e-mail ( celular ou PC ). Aos que desejam se cadastrar ao serviço, mandar e-mail para [ infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp ].
( Favor especificar o idioma que deseja receber as informações )

Noticias sobre Educação, Bem-estar, Moradia, etc.
Medidas contra Desastres
Dicas úteis para casos de emergência.
Informações sobre Exames de Saúde, Vacina, Nutrição, etc.
Guias e páginas da Web úteis para estrangeiros, serviços de intérprete, etc.
Informações sobre eventos, atividades e lugares turísticos, etc.
-E muito mais!

Fundação Internacional de Kanagawa
endereço 1-2-1 Kosugaya, Sakae-ku, Yokohama-shi 247-0007
TEL 045-896-2964 FAX 045-896-2945

Japanese Class

July 25, 2010

【Human Japanese Class】
Basic grammar for beginners.
Classes are taught by those in training to become Japanese language teacher.
Four different classes are offered until Sep. 29 (Wed.)
・Mon. daytime class (14:00~15:30)
・Wed. morning class(10:30~12:00)
・Sat. daytime class(14:00~15:30)
・Sat. night class(18:30~20:00)
◆Seats: 10 / class
◆Place:Human Academy Yokohama
(5 min. walk from Yokohama sta.)
Human Academy Yokohama(Keyaki, Kusumori)

【Japanese Course for Newcomers】
Japanese course for foreign residents who recently arrived in Japan.
Suited for basic and beginners’ level.
Please make reservation for an interview before the starting date.
◆Period:Sep. 1(Wed.) – Dec. 6(Mon.)Mon. thru Wed.
◆Time:10:30~12:00 (20 times in total)
◆Seats : 36
(5 min. walk from Minato Mirai sta. on Minato Mirai line, or
15 min. walk from JR Sakuragicho sta.)
◆Contact:YOKE information corner

あさがお Origami – Morning glory

July 22, 2010


Summer holidays in Japan. The older kids are on holiday and could join the POTATO playgroup today. Altogether we have a record breaking of 15 kids. First, a dip in the pool. Weather is very hot so a cool dip which eventually turned into lots of splashing is very refreshing. I wished I could jump in too.

In Japan, the flowers that you usually see in summer is morning glory or sunflower. For craft today, using origami, the kids were taught how to make morning glory. After that, they pasted it on a piece of construction paper and decorated it with crayons. In Japan, there is a traditional propeller-shaped flying toy made of bamboo called “taketombo”. The older kids were taught how to make a propeller-shaped flying toy using origami paper and a straw instead of bamboo. They had lots of fun twirling on the straw to make it fly. As usual we have story telling in Japanese and English and singing and dancing in English. Next week, we will be doing body painting just before pool time. Please bring along a pair of old underwear for the kids to wear during body painting. See you next week.

Atsugi Child Support Center 子育て支援センター「もみじの手」

July 15, 2010

午前9時~12時 ・ 午後1時~4時にサロン室で遊べます。

Child below primary school age and guardian.

Opening hours
Monday to Saturday (closed on public holiday, end of year and Fukushi Center holiday)
Time – 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Atsugi Fukushi Center 5th Floor

For more information and the map to the place please reference the following
Atsugi Child Support Center

Free Diaper

July 15, 2010

If you are living in Atsugi city, your 2nd baby is entitled to free diapers
a) 2nd child and above
b) Child has to be 0 years old
c) Living in Atsugi city

Things provided
Diaper, baby wipe, wet tissue from the following catalog
Free diaper catalog.

Supply period
For the 2nd child, it is for 12 months starting from the day of application.
For the 3rd child onwards, it is until the child turns 2.
If you leave the city, the diaper supply will stop the month before you leave the city.

For more details please reference the following link
Free Diaper in Atsugi

魚釣り Fishing

July 15, 2010


First all the kids went for a dip in the pool. It was a bit windy and chilly today so some kids just watched as they just recovered from a cold. After pool time, the kids made their own fish. Using markers, crayons and stickers they decorated a pre-cut out fish. Next is the fun part, fishing time. There are 2 types of fishing rods. One with a hook and one with magnet. The magnet rod is used to catch fish with paper clip on them. The hook rod is used to catch fish with a metal loop around the mouth. Some of the older kids competed with each other to see who caught the most fish. It was lots of fun. I tried fishing too and it does take a bit of getting used to but once you catch it, the sense of satisfaction is there. Today, we have a friend from China that came once and now returned with a cute chubby baby. Warm welcome. As usual, there is singing and dancing and story telling. Next week, we will be playing with origami. Come and join us.

Tanabata Potluck party

July 10, 2010

POTATO playgroup members joined the Japanese class teachers and students and had a pot luck party together to celebrate Tanabata Festival in Japan. Tanabata is a Japanese tradition wherein people write their wishes on tanzaku papers (colorful, small strips of papers) and hang them on bamboo branches.

Tanabata originated more than 2,000 years ago with an old Chinese tale called Kikkoden. Once there was a weaver princess named Orihime and a cow herder prince named Hikoboshi living in space. After they got together, they were playing all the time and forgot about their jobs. The king was angry at them and separated them on opposite sides of the Amanogawa River (Milky Way). The king allowed them to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar. Tanabata literally means the night of the seventh, and it’s also known as the star festival. It’s believed that Orihime and Hikoboshi can’t see each other if the day is rainy, so people pray for good weather and also make wishes for themselves.

What can I say but there are just lots of home cook authentic food from various countries (Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan) made by students and teachers. Delicious and yummy.

Next pot luck party will be around Christmas time so join us then.

暑中見舞いはがき Summer Greetings

July 8, 2010


It is a nice and sunny day today. First we let the kids dipped into the pool before craft time. Japanese have the custom of sending out summer greetings and summer gifts to friends and relatives. For craft today, we prepared post card size construction paper, stamp pads, markers and cut out pictures of cats, sun, dog, car, etc. Using stamp pads, markers and the picture stencils, the kids decorated the post card. We also have tiny hand prints which are so adorable.

Today we have 4 new friends from Japan joining us and altogether we have 12 kids playing together today. It was lots of fun. One of the participant said thank you for having the playgroup. It is nice that people are enjoying the playgroup. When I came to Japan, my daughter was 6 months old and I too had a hard time getting used to the country and language. I am blessed to have many kind Japanese friends and teachers to help me out and I too would like to make other foreigners feel more at home in Japan, a country that I have grown to love. It is nice that the playgroup has become a place for foreigners to meet and make friends. We also have friends from Japan joining us so I am sure they will be able to help the foreigners to get used to life in Japan.

As usual, we have story telling in Japanese and English and singing and dancing together in English. We have a daddy from America joining us today and he is a good dancer and singer. You can just see the kids gaping in smiles watching him sing and dance. Tomorrow there will be a pot luck party with Japanese class teachers and students from 11:00 to 14:00. Bring a dish and join us. Next Thursday, we will be fishing. Come and join us.